Looking for a good Perry/Medina comparison? Look no further. I've been very frustrated trying to convince my pro-life friends that Rick Perry is nothing more than a war-mongering, neo-con Pharisee, but he sure is one slick politician. Even the fact that he was the democratic Texas campaign manager for Al Gore before he realized it would make more sense to run as a republican in Texas doesn't seem to hold much sway. Here's a good article with an ever-increasing list of
great comments that really shows the differences between Perry and Medina. (Try to read a good number of the comments to hear both sides.)
The letter mentioned is full of popular misconceptions about Medina and Ron Paul which have been parroted enough times so that many a gullible soul has bought into them as gospel truth. Please, read on!
Rick Perry Supporter Rips Into Debra Medina
January 22, 2010 by comeandtakeitblog
If you’re involved in politics at the grassroots level, you know who Donna Garner is…she’s an education and social conservative activist, and for the past several months she’s been cheerleading for the Perry campaign…
Last night, Garner went on the attack, and sent out a long e-mail to a bunch of her contacts just absolutely trashing Debra Medina…I didn’t receive the e-mail directly, but it was forwarded to me by one of my sources who asked that I not use their name…
Here's the full blog posting.