Windows Tip: Give a folder its very own drive letter

This tip comes with some great comments on different techniques for getting folders to mount as drive letters.

Best Tech Resources Online

I decided to put together a list of the Best Tech Resources on the Web circa early 2008. Troubleshooting boards, drivers, tips, news, etc.

This list will expand and grow through time. Any comments and suggestions would be appreciated as I am sure others could add some good resources. Thanks.

[ Troubleshooting ]
Experts Exchange
Tech Support Forum
Macintouch - Mac issues & discussion

YouTube - Why Ron Paul did not win the Florida Primary

YouTube - Jim Rogers: Bernanke should be fired 2008.03.19

Army Holds Annual 'Bring Your Daughter To War' Day | The Onion

Army Holds Annual 'Bring Your Daughter To War' Day

Poll: BS Is Most Important Issue For 2008 Voters

Taxi to the Darkside