I found this stuff online. If I don't put it on my blog, I'll probably never find it again.
Maybe others will find this interesting, as well :-)
This is from some Ron Paul supporters at the St. Petersburg Straw Poll:
"We shot this video in Saint Petersburg at the Straw Poll on Novermber 29th 2007. It was my first time going to one of these events and I bought my ticket and voted ONCE. one vote per person. I saw 10 Ron Paul supporters to their 1. I will never go again. The voting was a scam. There were a small number of Mitt supporters there voting 20 to 30 times each. SCAM!"
"My name is Marc Whittemore. I started the original grassroots group ObamaLA and carried it until it was 2,500 people strong. Having done substantially more homework now I am inclined to switch my vote."
"NASHUA – Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul said his opposition to the Iraq war, his strict adherence to the Constitution and calls to change the monetary standard all fueled his GOP fundraising record via the Internet. 'I think the attention-getter is the war because it's a big issue, but I think that prompts a lot of people to go look at our Web site and say, 'Oh, I agree with these other issues,' ' Paul said during an interview with The Telegraph editorial board on Wednesday. The 72-year-old, soft-spoken Texas congressman already had a legendary individual donor base, the third largest in Congress as far back as 1994."
"Nov. 15 2007 | Of all the allegations contained in former ReganBooks Publisher Judith Regan's lawsuit against her one-time employers at Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., the most explosive is the first. Regan charges that News Corp. executives wanted to destroy her reputation because she knew too much about her ex-boyfriend&emdash;former New York City Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik&emdash;and that what she knew could be harmful to the presidential hopes of Rudy Giuliani&emdash;whom she depicts as the preferred candidate of News Corp. and its subsidiary, Fox News. According to Regan s suit, 'This smear campaign was necessary to advance News Corp.'s political agenda which has long centered on protecting Rudy Giuliani's presidential ambitions.'
'Regan and the married Kerik had a well-publicized yearlong affair. Their assignations often took place in a lower Manhattan apartment that had been specifically reserved for the use of workers in the aftermath of 9 11. After Giuliani left the mayor's office on January 1 2002, Kerik went to work for him as a consultant at Giuliani Partners. Kerik and Regan broke up later in 2002. In December 2004, according to Regan s complaint, when President Bush tapped Kerik at Giuliani's recommendation to head the federal Department of Homeland Security Regan was pressured to keep quiet and asked to lie on Kerik s behalf. ' "[A] senior executive in the News Corp. organization told Regan that he believed she had information about Kerik that, if disclosed, would harm Giuliani's presidential campaign. This executive advised Regan to lie to, and to withhold information from, investigators concerning Kerik. ... [D]efendants knew they would be protecting Giuliani if they could preemptively discredit her."
"Tonight CBS will air the first of a two-part series on the 'hidden epidemic' of military suicides, revealing numbers that CBS calls 'stunning.' The report examines data on the suicide rate amongst veterans once they return home, which indicates a serious mental health issue — and a hidden mortality rate. 'We first started researching military suicides because it had never been done before,' said Armen Keteyian, CBS News' chief investigative correspondent in a statement forwarded by CBS News. 'But when all the data was collected, we were astonished. I had no idea how much of an epidemic CBS uncovered. We expect this to be a wake up call.'"
"Pat Robertson's endorsement of Rudy Giuliani for president is simply astonishing. Robertson - the television preacher who founded the 700 Club and once ran for president himself - has made opposition to abortion and same sex marriage his political north star and has been a relentless champion of traditional marriage and family values. Remember Robertson's merciless attacks on President Bill Clinton's lapses of sexual morality with Monica Lewinsky? Or his comments about how the 9/11 attacks were the result of America's tolerance for homosexuals and abortion? Now Robertson is for Rudy, a thrice married adulterous husband, who is estranged from his own children and is both pro-choice and pro-gay rights. According to Pat Robertson's twisted moral logic, forgiving the social conservative shortcomings of Republicans is a Christian virtue, so long as the same virtue is never applied to Democrats. But Pat thinks Rudy can beat Hillary, and Pat really cares about winning for the Republicans."[Read More]
"Israel asks U.S. foreign aid be paid in EUROS FYI - the Euro is now worth about 1.4 US Dollars. Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni Secretary of State Rice has acknowledged a communique from Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Levni which requests that all foreign aid payments and loans from the United States be made in Euros rather than in Dollars. Foreign Minister Levni cited the rapidly declining dollar and it's disfavor as a world currency as reasons for the request.
'In the spirit of Yom Kippur, the United States will not hold Israel to any agreements obligating them to accept Dollars as payment for their foreign aid. We will translate our obligations into Euros or whatever currency that best fits Israel's needs' Secretary Rice said in the Friday, Sept 21 announcement.
'We need to place our Israeli obligations at the top of our national priority list. Israel should not suffer any inconvenience due to currency fluctuations' said Rice before heading off to Camp David. A similar request from Egypt was declined last week."
Republican Sen. Sam Brownback, the Kansas conservative who struggled to raise money and gain recognition in the 2008 presidential campaign, will drop out on Friday, people close to him said Thursday.
"We may have the clearest evidence of vote fraud coming out of Connecticut with the re-election of Pro-Israel Joe Lieberman as an Independent. http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=95480 Now, how exactly did Lieberman win TWO elections and his two opponents got exactly the SAME number of votes at exactly 448,077 votes each time?!?! 'In Connecticut Ned Lamont (Dem.) lost EXACTLY with THE SAME number of votes as did Phil Giordano (Rep.) collected in 2000.' Any of you mathematical geniuses want to calculate the odds on that? It is beyond staggering. It is statistically IMPOSSIBLE and could not happen twice in one million years, much less twice in 6 years for one lucky Pro-Israel Jewish Senator. I think this matter needs to be investigated because it is smoking hot and beyond outrageous."
"Former New York City Mayor and Republican Presidential contender Rudy Giuliani said this week that he was 'liberals' worst nightmare.' However, the truth is, Rudy Giuliani is everyone's worst nightmare. That Rudy Giuliani is currently trying to cast himself as a conservative is beyond laughable--it is hilarious. This is a man who is unabashedly pro-abortion. He has been seen walking down Fifth Avenue with thousands of homosexuals demanding 'gay rights.' He himself is a cross-dresser. He has had numerous marriages and only God knows how many sexual affairs. He has been one of the country's most radical proponents of gun control. He made New York a sanctuary city for illegal aliens and is a strong proponent of amnesty for illegal aliens. As a prosecutor, his abuse of power and disregard for law are legendary. (See http://www.lewrockwell.com/roberts/roberts208.html ) In addition, Rudy Giuliani is a senior partner in the law firm that 'represents CITGO, the oil company controlled by Venezuela's anti-American and terrorist-supporting ruler Hugo Chavez.' Giuliani's law firm also acts 'as the exclusive legal counsel for Cintra, the Spanish firm that has been granted the right to operate a toll road in the Trans-Texas Corridor (TTC) project.'"
A lot is going well for Rudy Giuliani's campaign. His fund raising is strong. He outstrips his GOP rivals in national polls. His speeches on taxes and health care were solid. He picked up some foreign-policy gravitas with a successful trip to London.[Read More]
But there is a fly in the ointment. Even members of Mr. Giuliani's own staff are appalled at how he handled the incident in which he answered a phone call from his wife, Judith, right in the middle of a nationally televised speech to the National Rifle Association.
What was that about? Columnist Robert Novak cites "supporters from outside the Giuliani staff" who claim that taking phone calls from his wife as been "part of his political bag of tricks all year." But Mr. Giuliani's deputy press secretary Jason Miller told me the NRA incident was definitely not a stunt. Instead it was a "candid and spontaneous moment" that would humanize the tough-guy former mayor with voters.
Nice try. Just in case this isn't obviously ridiculous, Fox News commissioned a poll on the subject. It found that only 9% of Americans think a candidate should ever interrupt a speech to accept a call from his spouse.
The fact is that people inside the Giuliani campaign are appalled at the number of times their candidate has felt compelled to interrupt public appearances to take calls from his wife. The estimate from those in a position to know is that he has taken such calls more than 40 times in the middle of speeches, conferences and presentations to large donors. "If it's a stunt, it's not one coming from him," says one Giuliani staffer. "It's an ongoing problem that he won't take advice on."
NEW YORK—At a well-attended rally in front of his new Ground Zero headquarters Monday, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani officially announced his plan to run for president of 9/11.
"My fellow citizens of 9/11, today I will make you a promise," said Giuliani during his 18-minute announcement speech in front of a charred and torn American flag. "As president of 9/11, I will usher in a bold new 9/11 for all."
If elected, Giuliani would inherit the duties of current 9/11 President George W. Bush, including making grim facial expressions, seeing the world's conflicts in terms of good and evil, and carrying a bullhorn at all state functions.
Big surprise: he doesn't like them. In fact, in one recent speech, he humiliated a woman in the audience whose phone went off while he was talking. Here's Hanna Rosin in the Atlantic last year: In Iowa, Giuliani was up to principle No. 2 ("Follow your hopes and dreams") when he was interrupted. From down in the audience, just beyond the stage, he heard a cell phone ring. He stopped in the middle of telling a story. "It's okay, you can answer your cell phone," he said. "You won't interrupt me." The woman whose phone had rung was mortified; he had just embarrassed her in front of 18,000 people.Read More...
"Iran's president wanted to lay a wreath at Ground Zero, but his critics said, 'No, no. You are trying to exploit Ground Zero for political gain, and that is Rudy Giuliani's job.'" --Bill Maher
One point they made is that it requires a lot of manpower—at minimum, 20 combat troops for every 1,000 people in the area's population. Baghdad has about 6 million people; so clearing, holding, and building it will require about 120,000 combat troops.
Right now, the United States has about 70,000 combat troops in all of Iraq (another 60,000 or so are support troops or headquarters personnel). Even an extra 20,000 would leave the force well short of the minimum required—and that's with every soldier and Marine in Iraq moved to Baghdad. Iraqi security forces would have to make up the deficit.
In the short term, then, say for a year or so, enough troops might be concentrated in Baghdad if troops now deployed in Iraq have their tours of duty extended, troops due for redeployment to Iraq are mobilized several months ahead of schedule, nearly all these troops are transferred to Baghdad, and enough Iraqi troops can be mobilized to make up the remaining slack.
The Democratic National Committee issued the following statement in response to news that former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani may seek the GOP nomination for President:
"It's unclear whether or not Rudy Giuliani will be able to just 'explain away' the fact that he's consistently taken positions that are completely opposite to the conservative Republican base on issues they hold near and dear," said Democratic National Committee Communications Director Karen Finney. "Throughout his career Giuliani has tried to paint himself as a moderate, but now that he's vying for his Party's nomination will he undergo an extreme makeover in an attempt to cozy up to the far-right?"
Giuliani Was A Registered Democrat For Much Of His Life. Giuliani registered as a Democrat and even served as a party committeeman on Long Island when he was 21. [U.S. News & World Report, 3/23/87; USA Today, 12/20/99]
"Where was Osama on Septembers 11? There is evidence that the whereabouts of Osama are known to the Bush Administration. On September 10. 2001, 'Enemy Number One' was in a Pakistani military hospital in Rawalpindi, courtesy of America's indefectible ally Pakistan, as confirmed by a report of Dan Rather, CBS News. He could have been arrested at short notice which would have 'saved us a lot of trouble', but then we would not have had an Osama Legend, which has fed the news chain as well as George W's speeches in the course of the last five years. "Read the whole story here.
Pligg is a Content Management System that lets you roll your own Digg-style website using the ever-popular PHP/MySQL combo for dynamic web content. It lets you setup a site that looks a whole lot like the popular Digg.com site. Here, you can generate content and other users can vote on the content to make it more popular. The price is right--it's free--and you get many cool features to give your website a very rich Web 2.0 look.
One website already taking advantage of Pligg is iphonewishlist.net which lets you vote on and comment on suggestions for the next versions of the Jesus Phone. The big question: Will Apple bother to check this site out?
"Okay, how about an objective opinion from someone without an axe to grind, who's actually a Mogul, and who is not one of these cultish fan boys?
Here it is:
In January a friend approached me about BurnLounge, so excited he was about to pop. I said sure - why not? That $450 figure is only if you're stupid enough to purchase the utterly useless 'university package.' My initial investment was just $140 or so.
(For those not in the know - the 'university package' is pushed HEAVILY because (OF COURSE!) it makes the guy who sells it to you a nice chunk of change. The only actual money I've seen from BurnLounge came from - you guessed it! - the idiot I signed up who blew $300 on the 'university package.' So what IS the university package? It's a bunch of CD/DVD's that help you convince OTHER people to sign up - sort of like those marketing things you see on 4:00 a.m. infomercials. And yes, you read right. For half a dozen DVD's, you pay THREE HUNDRED bucks. But hey, the guy right above you makes like $50 off your stupidity, so that's cool, right?)
It's now been more than five months since I signed up. I told the pal who got me into it that my own business was far too busy at the moment to do much with it for at least six months (and besides, I actually MAKE money with my own company :) )
So I signed up one guy, and then watched. Just watched to see what would happen. Here's the results:"